See introduction at this link.
Use a band saw or a coping saw or jig saw to cut out a bear shape as shown. The one my daughter and I made many years ago was from a 3/4-inch board, about 6" tall and 5" wide. Drill holes in the arms of the bear angling inward. The inward angle is important to the friction required to make him climb. Drill the holes a little bigger than the size of rope you'll use. Our rope had a smooth surface and was about 1/4" in diameter. The climbing ropes should be at least 3 1/2 to 4 foot long. Drill three holes through the top bar and run a short piece of rope through the center hole. This rope acts as a hinge for the bar, letting it move up and down on each end. Make a loop in one end for hanging it to something, push it through the bar and knot the end so it doesn't slip out. Run the climbing ropes through the bear's arms and through the holes on the top bar. Knot the ends. To make the bear climb, you put tension on both ropes, pulling down first on one, then the other. The top bar has to pivot as this is being done. Remember to keep tension on BOTH ropes - until the bear reaches the top and then you relax the tension on both ropes and the bear slides down. That was my daughter's Christmas present to her younger brother and he liked it as much as any he got that year.
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